Ruaridh Straine is a member at Hilton Park GC in Glasgow and loves to play golf with his brother Murray, and Dad Christopher.
When Ruaridh was given a homework task to create a presentation on something he was interested in, there was only one subject he wanted to write about – golf! And we were delighted that Ruaridh shared his presentation with us at the Golf Foundation along with his friends at Mosshead Primary school.
Ruairidh put some brilliant information together about his favourite golfers and what he loves about the sport – including visiting events such as The Open, Scottish Open, Solheim Cup and Women’s British Open – where he has been able to meet the players. He summed it up with this final message to his classmates: ‘It’s a great sport and really fun to play, maybe one day you will give it a try!” Wise words from a 9 year old and a message we 100% agree with!
We loved Ruaridh’s presentation which you can view here. If you know any young golfers who are working on something similar at school, then please feel free to share this with us – we’d love to see their efforts! Thanks again Ruaridh!