Impact Story

St James the Great


Unleash Your Drive in Schools

  • St James the Great in Thornton Heath were just one of the schools directly supported by our Unleash Your Drive programme in its first year, as funds from our programme sponsor GolfNow allowed the school to access the equipment and training all fully funded.
  • The school has more than 400 pupils – and despite playing a number of sports, they had never played golf before. The PSHE lead, who applied for the programme, had never played or delivered any golf.
  • 115 pupils from Years 3 and 5 went through the six week programme.
  • Early results showed an average 22% increase in Mental Toughness Tool understanding, and a 10.5% direct rise in mental wellbeing.


Application Overview

  • “Our school is located in Thornton Heath and the school location deprivation indicator is in the 5th quintile, the most deprived of all schools. We have a diverse community and ethnic mix with 95.3% of our children having English as an additional language. Our percentage of FSM is 15% but there are a significant number of families that do not meet the threshold. Many of our children face challenges from the beginning…

Mental Health Provision

  • “As children’s mental health is discussed more, it is increasingly evident it is key in enabling children to flourish. We have a whole school approach with a shared vocabulary and vision for our children. We have a number of things in place to support our children but nothing quite like this.”


The first cohort of 43 pupils who completed monitoring…

  • …showed a 22% rise in Mental Toughness tool understanding
  • …showed a 10.5% mental wellbeing improvement


  • Pupils showed a:
    • 37% rise in… being able to overcome challenges and learn from mistakes.
    • 65% rise in… being equipped to remain determined.
    • 50% rise in… being equipped to control emotions
    • 45% rise in… being able to view a challenge/something new as a chance to learn
    • 29% rise in… being equipped to be able to focus and stay on task
    • 58% rise in… confidence when speaking in front of a group & to their peers


Every school receives an Impact Report with their detailed breakdown of mental toughness understanding and mental wellbeing change over the course of the programme. The full impact of the St James cohort can be seen below.

Year 5

Year 3


The pupils…

…loved the opportunity to try a new sport

…liked that it was not as competitive as other sports

…enjoyed the variety of fun games

…would recommend it to others as it takes you away from bad things at school and lets you forget worries

…would like more time to play

Click Play To Listen To Their Feedback…


The teachers…

…thought the lessons were easy to follow and deliver

…wanted us to explore a PSHE focus rather than just a PE focus

…would recommend it to other schools as it helped pupil concentration and focus much more quickly than expected

…would love more age-specific content

Click Play To Listen To Their Feedback…


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